
A revolution

Turn your water into pure, hydrogen-rich water in minutes.

What is Hydrocly®?

Hydrocly® Bottle Hydrogen Water Generator

65,00€ 100,00€

A revolution

Turn your water into pure, hydrogen-rich water in minutes.

What is Hydrocly®?

Hydrocly® Bottle Hydrogen Water Generator

65,00€ 100,00€

How does it work?

To ensure the purest and most effective hydrogen enrichment, our hydrogen cylinder uses an advanced filtration system. By pressing the button, H2O undergoes a patented electrolysis process that separates hydrogen and oxygen molecules.

This makes your water rich in hydrogen while removing oxygen and other gases while providing enhanced antioxidant properties as well as healthier and cleaner water.

How does it work?

To ensure the purest and most effective hydrogen enrichment, our hydrogen cylinder uses an advanced filtration system. By pressing the button, H2O undergoes a patented electrolysis process that separates hydrogen and oxygen molecules.

This makes your water rich in hydrogen while removing oxygen and other gases while providing enhanced antioxidant properties as well as healthier and cleaner water.

Hydrogen Water benifets

⚡ Increased energy levels

Drinking hydrogen water helps fight fatigue and increase energy levels by mitigating oxidative stress and inflammation , especially after exercise.

🛡️ Strengthens the immune system

Hydrogen water contains many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce oxidative stress, decrease inflammation, cleanse the gastrointestinal system, and promote a balanced and healthy gut microbiome, which is crucial for a strong immune system.

🧠 Optimized brain function

Hydrogen water hasmany neuroprotective effects that benefit cognitive function and mental energy. A healthy brain is essential for overall energy and vitality.

🔥 Boosts metabolism

Over 1,400 studies have found that hydrogen-enriched water stimulates thermogenesis and regulates hormones. These processes help in weight and fat reduction.

💆 ♀️ Improved skin health

Hydrogen water helps improve the skin by containing antioxidant particles that fight free radicals that damage cells, including skin cells. Finally, hydrogen water has improved moisturizing properties, improved hydration can help maintain skin elasticity and overall appearance.

Hydrogen Water benifets

⚡ Increased energy levels

Drinking hydrogen water helps fight fatigue and increase energy levels by mitigating oxidative stress and inflammation , especially after exercise.

🛡️ Strengthens the immune system

Hydrogen water contains many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce oxidative stress, decrease inflammation, cleanse the gastrointestinal system, and promote a balanced and healthy gut microbiome, which is crucial for a strong immune system.

🧠 Optimized brain function

Hydrogen water hasmany neuroprotective effects that benefit cognitive function and mental energy. A healthy brain is essential for overall energy and vitality.

🔥 Boosts metabolism

Over 1,400 studies have found that hydrogen-enriched water stimulates thermogenesis and regulates hormones. These processes help in weight and fat reduction.

💆 ♀️ Improved skin health

Hydrogen water helps improve the skin by containing antioxidant particles that fight free radicals that damage cells, including skin cells. Finally, hydrogen water has improved moisturizing properties, improved hydration can help maintain skin elasticity and overall appearance.